A little more about me

TW: abuse - sexual/physical, death of a loved one, drug use


Allow me to introduce myself…

My name is Will, and you’ve probably already read my small bio, which does include a brief story about how I ended up as a life coach.

I thought to kick off my blog, I’d expand a little on that, and why I think I’m the best person to help you with issues that you may be struggling with.

I’m the youngest of three siblings, and there is a large age difference between myself and my next sibling. I grew up thinking I was an only child until one day I realised that like a lot of my friends, I too had siblings. While my friends had brothers and sisters that were at school at the same time as us, maybe a few years older or younger, mine were both out of school while I was still in Primary! My closest sibling was a serial drug user and general petty crime doer. Our house was a halfway house for drug addicts and other general blowouts.

My parents both ran their own businesses, and while they were both loving people, neither of them was very good at parenting. My mother passed away form breast cancer when I was nine, leaving my father to raise me. While he is a very lovely man, he was raised in a dysfunctional home himself. His parents had a bad relationship and divorced. Like me, I guess he raised himself a little bit. He’s never been able to handle conflict (withdraws completely) and is not good at expressing emotions or handling others’ feelings.

Having generally absent parents (and then parent) plus a house where no day went by where there wasn’t some kind of drama (police, violence, aggression and sexual abuse) left me to become an adult fast. I learned to understand the signs of different situations escalating and would remove myself, often hiding somewhere or just taking myself on a very long walk. I had a lot of very friendly imaginary friends.

I also learned to mask how I was feeling. I would always say I was fine and attempt a smile. Given that there was rarely any physical signs of abuse, I guess nobody noticed? That or it was the 90’s and we just didn’t talk about these things.

So, fast-forward a few years to my mid-teens, my father decides to move to the country and I decided to stay in the city with my eldest sister. While overall I’m so glad I stayed in the city, it was a lot of formative years to have no parental figure (weeks and months would go by without me speaking to my father, and I would maybe see him once a year) I continued self-learning by watching what my friend’s families did, which wasn’t always successful. In hindsight I should’ve paid more attention to not modelling my behaviour on the people who were also wildly dysfunctional.

In the end, I managed to make it out of my teens and into my early 20’s a pretty friendly, loving, and occasionally well-balanced human being. But life still was very lacking for me. I craved family connections and had none around me. I did the very typical date older men to fulfil the desire to have my father in my life. Unsurprisingly that didn’t end well.

Luckily, in my mid-20’s, I was introduced to a Life Coach. I’d just been dumped by a man I thought I loved, I had a terrible retail job, and was living in a mouldy apartment at the back of Bondi (nice view through the trees, but so SO MUCH mould!) I agreed to have ten sessions of coaching, and in the first session established two changes I wanted to make in my life: I wanted a boyfriend, and a career.

My coach helped me understand more about myself, my subconscious, and manifestation than I ever knew was possible. Like in the coaching sessions that I run, each week we would focus on a couple of particular areas to discuss and work on, and then set small, achievable goals to complete before our next session. Having someone to talk to immensely lightened my emotional load, kept me motivated and accountable for achieving my goals, and without them, I would never have been able to get out of the constant cycle of depression and sadness I was living in.

I fully credit those ten life coaching sessions for helping me meet my now husband (we’ve been together ten years, and married three) and kick started my previous real estate career. And without having a decade of meeting every type of person you could imagine, from CEOs and executives, to single parents raising wonderful children, immigrants coming to Australia to start a new life, and even drug users. It has been these experiences which have forged a path for me to be a coach – to help people who need it, and create the changes in my clients that my coach created in me.

So here I am, that’s kinda my story.

I’d love to hear from you if you’re interested in being coached, and how I can help you make significant and lasting changes!


Letting go